Awards and Competitions

Lopes da Costa


Interface de Transportes Lourosa-Fiães and J.M.C. House | Projects Nominated for the Building of the Year 2025, Archdaily.


Seashore Building and Interface Transportes Lourosa-Fiães | Projects Nominated for the Archello Awards 2024 Longlist in the Housing Project of the Year - Mid Rise and Transportation Hub of the Year categories, Archello. 


Steelform Factory | Project was awarded in the Architecture | Industrial Buildings category, Loop Design Awards. 


Interface de Transportes Lourosa-Fiães | Project was awarded in the Architecture | Transportation category, Loop Design Awards. 


Marlim D. João IV Building, Seashore -  Apartment Building, Steelform Fatory, A.A. House and Interface de Transportes Lourosa-Fiães | Projects Nominated for the People's Choice Award 2024, Loop Design Awards.


Interface de Transportes Lourosa-Fiães | Project Nominee for the Prémios Construir 2024, Jornal Construir.


Marlim D. João IV Building and R.V. House | Projects Nominated for the Building of the Year 2024, Archdaily Brasil.


Marlim D.João IV Building | Project Nominee for the Building Of The Year 2024, Archdaily.


Marlim D. João IV Building | Archilovers Best Project 2023


J.M.C. House, Seashore Building e Marlim D. João IV Building  | Short-list projects of Prémios Espaço, Anteprojectos.


A.A. House | Project Nominee for Building Of The Year 2022, Archdaily.


M.C. House | Project Nomimee for Bulding Of The Year 2022, Archdaily.


2nd Prize in the Competition of Design/ Construction for the elaboration of the project for the Arts Centre of Águeda, promoted by the city of Águeda.


1st Prize in the Portal dos Arquitectos 2010 Award in the category of Housing with the A.S. House.


1st Prize in the Competition of Design/ Construction for the elaboration of the project for the expansion of the Elementary School “Escola Básica dos Ribeiros”, promoted by the city of S. João da Madeira.


1st Prize in the Competition of Design/ Construction for the elaboration of the project for the Grupo Ferpinta Headquarters.


2nd Prize in the Ideas Competition for the elaboration of the project for the Music Academy of S. João da Madeira, promoted by the city of S. João da Madeira.


2nd Prize in the Competition of Design/ Construction for the elaboration of the project for the House of Arts, promoted by the city of Ovar.


1st Prize in the Ideas Competition for the elaboration of the project of Blocks of Flats at Quinta do Brinçal, Golden Eagle Golf Club in Rio Maior (unbuilt).


 3rd Prize in the Ideas Competition for the elaboration of the project for the new City Hall in Vale de Cambra.


1st Prize in the Architecture Award “Architect Januário Godinho”, Ovar 2000, promoted by the city of Ovar, for the implementation of the project "J.S.C. House".


1st Prize in the Ideas Competition for the elaboration of the project for the Public Library of Oliveira de Azeméis.


1st Prize in the ideas contest for the development of projects of the Sub-Phase B of the Cooperative housing Habitovar in Ovar.


1st Prize in the Ideas Competition for the elaboration of the projects for Quinta da Várzea in Coimbra, promoted by Urbivárzea.


1st Prize in the Ideas Competition for the elaboration of the project for the Public Library of Monção.


1st Prize awarded by the jury in the Ideas Competition for the elaboration of the project for the Public Library of Estarreja.


1st Prize in the Contest for the elaboration of the Master Plan of the Sports Park of Aveiro.


 1st Prize in the Ideas Competition for the elaboration of the project for the Central Bus Station of Vale de Cambra.


1st Prize in the Ideas Competition for the elaboration of the project for the Public Library of Vale de Cambra.


1st Prize in the ideas contest for the draft of the urban arrangement of the Central Avenue and Seaside Avenue at the beach of Furadouro, Ovar.


1st Prize in the ideas competition for the drafting of the Municipal Market of Cucujães.